Dibiyapur Plastic Park, Auraiya


Dibiyapur Plastic Park, Auraiya

Latitude, Longitude - 23.43718, 87.25307 (Click to view map)

Dibiyapur Plastic Park, Auraiya is spread over 274.45 Acres of Land.

Integrated Plastic Park in coordination with the, GAIL, NTPC, CIPET, MSME-DI & financial institutions (HUDCO, SIDBI and NABARD and others) is being set up.

  • Park to be developed for distillation & manufacturing of Perfumes.

  • The perfume park will also house a special attar manufacturing zone in Kannuaj for modern distillation and extraction units.

  • The project is to developed for setting up of international perfume museum..

USPs of the Project

The project features are as follows:

  • 274.4 acres will be developed with industrial units and 84.93 acres is for residential units and infrastructure development

  • GAIL has setup a petro-Chemical complex at Auraiya with expected production of 1,00,000 TPA of HDPE and 1,60,000 TPA of LDP

  • 7 acres reserved for specialized facilities of which 5 acres earmarked CIPET, free of cost

  • 1.5 acres earmarked, free of cost, for Skill development center by GAIL to meet the demand for skilled personnel in plastic industry

  • Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) will be passing through Auraiya, providing the much-needed rail connectivity to the plastic city

  • Land and infrastructure for warehouse and container depot

  • NTPC has a Power Plant in Auraiya

  • Existing Petrochemical plant of GAIL

Facilities and infrastructure

  • Proximity to NH-2 & state highway 21 (Approx. 15 kms)

  • 8 km from Fafund railway station

  • 10 km from GAIL & NTPC limited

  • Proximity to CUGL pipeline which can be utilized for setting up captive power plant

Details of acquired and developed lands

  • Allotted plots (Nos.) : Industrial -108 , Individual housing Plots- 109

  • Vacant plots (Nos): Industrial 224, Individual housing plots-513

Dibiyapur Plastic Park, Auraiya on Google Map

Investment Opportunities


175.02 Acres of land is earmarked for the Industrial sector. A total of 223 plots are available with plot sizes varying from 450 Sq. Mt. to about 36,000 Sq. Mt. Plastic Park provides manufacturing and export opportunity for wide range of products like plastic-moulded extruded goods, polyester films and so on.

Residential Units

Housing scheme at Plastic City, has 84.93 Acres earmarked for the residential sector, including group housing and individual housing plots. A total of 622 housing plots of sizes 112.5 Sq. Mt. to 300 Sq. Mt. are proposed out of which 480 plots are available. Four plots with a total size of 17.79 acres of land are available for Group Housing. The residential zones will have a number of support factors like retail shops and adequate earmarked green zones.


Plastic City Aims to be a self-sustained city with commercial establishments such as shops, hostel, petrol pumps, restaurants, auto showrooms, hotels, warehousing space and other facilities.


As an integrated township, the focus is on encouraging various institutions such as schools, colleges, & vocational training centres. This will cater to the educational needs of the working population, as well as ensure steady supply of trained manpower to the industry.

Dibiyapur Plastic Park, Auraiya Layout

Plastic City, Auraiya

Location Advantage

  • Auraiya town is situated on NH2 (between Etawah and Kanpur)

  • Auraiya is located on the Howrah-Delhi route (Phaphund Rly. Stn.)

  • 120 Kms from Kanpur

  • 181 Kms from Lucknow

  • 370 Kms from Delhi

  • 1000 Kms from Kolkata

Details of allotted and vacant plots

UP Industrial Policy 2017 Highlights

The incentives are as follows:

  • 1. Stamp duty exemption of 75% in Madhyanchal

  • 2. EPF reimbursement facility to the extent of 50% of employer’s contribution to all such new Industrial units providing direct employment to 100 or more unskilled workers.

  • 3. Capital Interest Subsidy to the extent of 5% per annum for 5 years in the form of reimbursement on loan taken for procurement of plant & machinery, subject to an annual ceiling of INR 50 lacs.

  • 4. Infrastructure Interest Subsidy to the extent of 5% per annum for 5 years in the form of reimbursement on loan taken for development of infrastructural amenities for self-use like roads, sewer, water drainage, erection of power line, transformer and power feeder, subject to an overall ceiling of INR 1 Crore.

  • 5. Interest subsidy to the extent of 5% per annum for 5 years in the form of reimbursement on loan taken for industrial research, quality improvement and development of products by incurring expenditure on procurement of plant, machinery & equipment for setting up testing labs, quality certification labs and tool rooms, subject to an overall ceiling of INR 1 Crore.

  • 6. Exemption from electricity duty to all new industrial units set up in the state for 10 years.

  • 7. Exemption from electricity duty for 10 years to all new industrial units producing electricity from captive power plants for self-use.

  • 8. Exemption from Mandi fee for all new food processing units on purchase of raw material for 5 years.

  • 9. The industries which are disallowed for input tax credit under the GST regime, will be provided reimbursement of that amount of VAT/CST/GST paid on purchase of plant and machinery, building material and other capital goods during construction and commissioning period and raw materials and other inputs in respect of which input tax credit has not been allowed.

  • 10. Units generating minimum employment of 200 direct workers including skilled and unskilled will be provided 10% additional EPF reimbursement facility on employer’s contribution.

  • 11. All incentives in the form of reimbursement, subsidies, exemptions etc., will be subject to a maximum of 90% of fixed capital investment made in Madhyanchal region.

  • 12. The eligibility requirements for the respective categories are as follows:

    Category Minimum eligibility requirements (Madhyanchal)
    Mega Capital investment of more than Rs.150 crore but less than Rs.300 crore OR Providing employment to more than 750 workers.
    Mega Plus Capital investment of more than Rs.300 Crores but less than Rs.750 crore OR Providing employment to more than 1500 workers.
    Super Mega Capital investment of more than Rs.750 Crore OR Providing employment to more than 3000 workers.
    • A. The incentives will be applicable for new units as well as projects under expansion/diversification. Projects in the mega categories (mega, mega plus and super mega) will be processed on a case to case basis for finalising the incentive structure.

    • B. All incentives for mega investments in the form of reimbursement, subsidies, exemptions etc., will be subject to a maximum of 200% of fixed capital investment made in Madhyanchal region.

    The Conditions for (12.) are as follows:

    • Units availing incentives from any other policy or those sanctioned by the departments of the State government, will also be entitled to avail incentives/benefits mentioned in this policy provided the same kind of benefits/incentives are not being availed from any other policy. If a unit avails any incentive under industry specific policies like Agro & Food Processing Policy, IT Policy etc., it will not be provided incentive of similar nature under this policy.

    • A negative list of industries will be identified which will be ineligible for any incentives mentioned in this policy. However if any package of incentives has already been committed by the state government to any such unit before the industry was declared negative, the committed incentives will not be withdrawn and the unit will continue to remain entitled to the benefits.

Functional Units

Expected Employment

Interested Investors may contact Citizen Facilitation Center, designed to maximize support for investors and entrepreneurs, elevating the customer experience across the state. For customer assistance, call at 0120-4401000