Moradabad Special Economic Zone
Latitude, Longitude - 23.43718, 87.25307 (Click to view map)
Moradabad Project is spread over 464.28 Acres of near Kanpur.
Current Rate 4700 INR/Sq. mtr. for industrial Plots.
Moradabad Special Economic Zone captures the promising market of handicrafts in Moradabad.
Facilities and infrastructure
It is situated in district Moradabad at 6 KM on both sides of Pakbara-Dhingarpur road at 8k.m.
It is on both sides of Pakbara-Dhingarpur road at 8k.m.
It has milestone of NH-24
Proximity to CUGL pipeline which can be utilized for setting up captive power plant
Details of acquired and developed lands
Location Advantage