Integrated Manufacturing Cluster, Bhaupur

Integrated Manufacturing Cluster

Integrated Manufacturing Cluster, Bhaupur

Latitude, Longitude - 23.43718, 87.25307 (Click to view map)

Bhaupur IMC is spread in 2500 Acres with total notified area of approx. 15000 Acres for future expansion.

as the Smart City as Modern Integrated Industrial Township

  • Integrated Multi-Modal Transit HUB with rail and road and proposed air cargo hub.

  • The IMC is proposed as industry driven township to be developed on the lines of smart city with green development strategy.

  • Multi Modal hub is proposed by CONCOR, under AKIC project

  • Green field Smart-City

  • Captive Power Plant

USPs of the Project

The city design has been planned at two levels. First, with the design level elements required to make the city sustainable. Second, the implementation of green roof, earth cooling, solar panels, ground water recharge & waste management.
In heart of the project, an iconic auto expo mart is planned, making it a prominent visual marker.
An amalgamation of cluster with various project based activities creating a functionally rich urban plaza.

The project features are as follows:

  • Approx. 2211 acres is planned to be acquired and developed for the IMC Bhaupur project

  • About 40% of the land will be used by processing / industrial units and remaining the land for commercial, residential and other infrastructure utilities

  • It is expected realise a total employment of 3,00,000 persons (Approx.)

  • Adequate support infrastructure and land uses have been planned to make the project site sustainable.

  • Availability of surplus power with captive power plants

  • Provision of piped natural gas supply to residential and industrial areas

  • Multimodal transit hub for efficient logistic facility

  • Smart infrastructure to develop an intelligent city (IoT)

  • Availibility of skilled manpower due to close proximity of 70+ educational institutions and colleges

  • Potential forward and backward integration of value chain due to availability of industrial units at Kanpur


Investment Opportunities


With "Apparel Park" as the major attraction for TRONICA, it will naturally spawn a huge plethora of supporting industries such as:

  • Hosiery and Woolen knitting wares.

  • Sports apparel and support systems.

Residential Units
  • With ever burgeoning demand on residential infrastructure in Delhi NCR people will be naturally attracted with job opportunities and connectivity to Delhi.

  • Smart city concept will make life easier and quality of life will improve.

  • With transit time lessening, work life balance of society will improve, giving rise to a healthy population.


Aims to be a self-sustained city with commercial establishments such as shopping complexes, malls, theatre, multiplexes, restaurants, auto showrooms, hotels, auto expo centre and other commercial establishments. The area will also have a special golf course for recreational purposes.


As an integrated township the focus is on encouraging various institutions such as schools, colleges, universities training & skill development centres to make this zone an attractive destination for investments. It consists of three site for educational institutions to develop the zone as a world class education hub having facilities from primary schools to post graduation level.

Facilities and infrastructure

  • Proximity to NH 19/27.

  • 25 Km from Kanpur city & 12 km from CONCOR ICD Panki.

  • 90 km from Amausi Airport Lucknow & 6 km from Panki Railway Station.

  • Multi-modal logistic HUB

  • Proposed Air Cargo HUB

  • 16% area reserved for parks and green area

Details of acquired and developed lands

Land acquisition to be carried out.

Integrated Manufacturing Cluster, Bhaupur Layout

Integrated Manufacturing Cluster, Bhaupur Layout

Location Advantage

  • Part of Amritsar Kolkata Industrial Corridor Project.

  • Located on Dedicated Easter Freight Corridor.

  • Green Field Project.

  • Connected to National highway through 45 meter wide approach road.

Details of allotted and vacant plots

  • Land area already notified

  • Can be allotted as undeveloped land

Integrated Manufacturing Cluster, Bhaupur on Google Map

UP Industrial Policy 2017 Highlights

Incentives for private sector industrial parks/ estates:

The Government will provide following incentives to industrial parks/ estates of more than 150 acres in case of Madhyanchal and 50 acres in case of Agro Parks in Madhyanchal developed by private sector –

  • Interest subsidy in the form of reimbursement of interest of up to 50% of annual interest on the loan taken to buy land, calculated on the basis of prevalent circle rate, for 7 years subject to a maximum ceiling of INR 50 lacs per annum per industrial estate/agro park.

  • Interest subsidy in the form of reimbursement of interest of up to 60% of annual interest for 7 years on the loan taken for building infrastructure in the industrial parks/ estates subject to INR 10 crore per year with an overall ceiling of Rs. 50 crore per industrial estate/agro park.

  • Interest subsidy in the form of reimbursement of interest of up to 60% of annual interest for 7 years on the loan taken for building Hostel/Dormitory Housing for workers in the industrial parks/ estates subject INR 5 crore per year with an overall ceiling of INR 30 crore per industrial estate/agro park.

  • 100% exemption/ reimbursement on stamp duty on the purchase of land by the developer and 50% exemption on stamp duty to individual buyers (first) will be provided on purchase of plot in the industrial parks/ estates.

The incentives are as follows:

  • 1. Stamp duty exemption of 75% in Madhyanchal

  • 2. EPF reimbursement facility to the extent of 50% of employer’s contribution to all such new Industrial units providing direct employment to 100 or more unskilled workers.

  • 3. Capital Interest Subsidy to the extent of 5% per annum for 5 years in the form of reimbursement on loan taken for procurement of plant & machinery, subject to an annual ceiling of INR 50 lacs.

  • 4. Infrastructure Interest Subsidy to the extent of 5% per annum for 5 years in the form of reimbursement on loan taken for development of infrastructural amenities for self-use like roads, sewer, water drainage, erection of power line, transformer and power feeder, subject to an overall ceiling of INR 1 Crore.

  • 5. Interest subsidy to the extent of 5% per annum for 5 years in the form of reimbursement on loan taken for industrial research, quality improvement and development of products by incurring expenditure on procurement of plant, machinery & equipment for setting up testing labs, quality certification labs and tool rooms, subject to an overall ceiling of INR 1 Crore.

  • 6. Exemption from electricity duty to all new industrial units set up in the state for 10 years.

  • 7. Exemption from electricity duty for 10 years to all new industrial units producing electricity from captive power plants for self-use.

  • 8. Exemption from Mandi fee for all new food processing units on purchase of raw material for 5 years.

  • 9. The industries which are disallowed for input tax credit under the GST regime, will be provided reimbursement of that amount of VAT/CST/GST paid on purchase of plant and machinery, building material and other capital goods during construction and commissioning period and raw materials and other inputs in respect of which input tax credit has not been allowed.

  • 10. Units generating minimum employment of 200 direct workers including skilled and unskilled will be provided 10% additional EPF reimbursement facility on employer’s contribution.

  • 11. All incentives in the form of reimbursement, subsidies, exemptions etc., will be subject to a maximum of 90% of fixed capital investment made in Madhyanchal region.

  • 12. The eligibility requirements for the respective categories are as follows:

    Category Minimum eligibility requirements (Madhyanchal)
    Mega Capital investment of more than Rs.150 crore but less than Rs.300 crore OR Providing employment to more than 750 workers.
    Mega Plus Capital investment of more than Rs.300 Crores but less than Rs.750 crore OR Providing employment to more than 1500 workers.
    Super Mega Capital investment of more than Rs.750 Crore OR Providing employment to more than 3000 workers.
    • A. The incentives will be applicable for new units as well as projects under expansion/diversification. Projects in the mega categories (mega, mega plus and super mega) will be processed on a case to case basis for finalising the incentive structure.

    • B. All incentives for mega investments in the form of reimbursement, subsidies, exemptions etc., will be subject to a maximum of 200% of fixed capital investment made in Madhyanchal region.

    The Conditions for (12.) are as follows:

    • Units availing incentives from any other policy or those sanctioned by the departments of the State government, will also be entitled to avail incentives/benefits mentioned in this policy provided the same kind of benefits/incentives are not being availed from any other policy. If a unit avails any incentive under industry specific policies like Agro & Food Processing Policy, IT Policy etc., it will not be provided incentive of similar nature under this policy.

    • A negative list of industries will be identified which will be ineligible for any incentives mentioned in this policy. However if any package of incentives has already been committed by the state government to any such unit before the industry was declared negative, the committed incentives will not be withdrawn and the unit will continue to remain entitled to the benefits.

Functional Units

Expected Employment

Interested Investors may contact Citizen Facilitation Center, designed to maximize support for investors and entrepreneurs, elevating the customer experience across the state. For customer assistance, call at 0120-4401000